On February 24, 2022, the hearts of all Ukrainians in Ukraine and abroad froze. The furious enemy viciously attacked a peaceful and flourishing Ukraine. At a time when Ukrainians were still asleep, Russia began shelling residential buildings in the capital and in other cities of Ukraine. That’s how this terrible war started.

However, Ukrainians are a brave and free people. The patriotism of Ukrainians in such moments becomes even more pronounced and stronger. Indomitable spirit and love of freedom are vital supports in the fight against the enemy.

Ukrainians around the world started to actively defend their country. Plast’s centers in the world were among the first who provided help and support. Just as 100 years ago, Plast scouts are patriots, for whom faith, truth and loyalty to Ukraine are the fundamental principles, and who faithfully serve their homeland, no matter where they are.

The Plast branch in Cyprus also reacted quickly to the terrible events in Ukraine and promptly joined the organization activities of the Ukrainian diaspora. In particular, the Plast members participated in mobilizing community efforts, coordination of rallies, providing assistance to displaced persons and Ukrainians who were forced to remain in Cyprus.

We, the Ukrainian members of Plast, are convinced that Ukraine’s victory is near. We must persevere, we must defeat this Evil, and we must help Ukraine flourish again. And until the moment of victory, we will help, support and develop the Ukrainian community in Cyprus. We will continue to hold peaceful, educational, cultural events and rallies in various cities of the island, and we will do everything we can to bring our Victory closer. We are Ukrainians! Glory to Ukraine!

Please subscribe to the official facebook page of Plast Cyprus to receive more detailed information, effective networking, as well as to participate in workshops, bonfires and meetings:

And for those who were forced to leave Ukraine or who stayed in Cyprus, the Cypriot volunteers created a this page.

Stay strong, Ukraine will always exist!


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