Дорогі пластунки і пластуни Австралії! Вітаємо до нового 2014р!
Krajovyj Unatskyj Mandrivnyj Tabir | |
From the 26th of December to the 4th of January, юнацтво from Melbourne, Geelong and Sydney set sail from our usual pidtabir at Sokil, and explored the vast, uncharted wild coast of Portland, Victoria for the Крайовий Юнацький Мандрівний Табір – Гей-гай, хвилю тримай!
An action packed program, led by our мета табору ‘ти можеш відшукати те що хочеш знайти’ saw юнацтво take on challenges such as a 4 day hike along the Great South West Walk, canoeing, surfing, nautical communication and general ship shaped shenanigans. Highlights included beach vatra’s, New Year’s Eve under the stars and marvelling at the flexibility of our юнацтво (ask them about the box game for further explanations!) A super big thankyou to our crew, including: From all accounts, it was a super tabir and a terrific journey had by all! Sail on юнацтво! |
Крайовий Юнацький Мандрівний Табір | |
З 26 грудня 2013 по 4 січня 2014 відбувся Крайовий Юнацький Мандрівний Табір – ‘Гей-гай, хвилю тримай’, в околиці міста Portland, у Вікторії, Австралія (приблизно 5 годин їзди на захід з Мельборна). На табір приїхало 27 юнацтва з Мельборна, Джілонґу та Сіднею.
Різноманітна програма віддзеркалювала мету табору – ‘ти можеш відшукати те що хочеш знайти’: 4-деннa мандрівкa, канойкарство, surfing, морська навігація. Відгуки учасників були дуже позитивними! Висловлюємо велику подяку всім хто помагали з зорганізування табору: |
Крайовий Юнацький Мандрівний Табір | |
Ст.пл. Олеся Фединська з Cleveland, Ohio USA приїхала на Крайовий Юнацький Мандрівний Табір. Вона є подругою гуртка “Соняшники” та станична бунчужна. В 2012р, Олеся була іменована пластункою гетьманьською вірлицею. Пропонуємо інтерв’ю з Олесею:
Why did you come to tabir in Australia? I came to visit friends I met at ЮМПЗ last summer, as well as to meet new people and experience Plast in Australia. How did the tabir differ from tabory in USA? I’d say the main difference is that tabir in America is 3 weeks ever summer, as well as other extra вишколи or various “спец” (спеціальні) tabory. And at the normal 3-week one, we have four different tabory going on – новаки, новачки, юнаки and юначки. We also do a lot of піонірка, which involves building various structures out of trees and rope. There’s less of an emphasis on hiking, with typically only a 3-day hike every other year (we go canoeing on the off years). We also don’t go to beach, so that was awesome to do in Australia! Were there any similarities? We both do generic Plast things, like збірки, ватри, молитви, etc. But more importantly, tabir definitely had a similar feel to it – everyone is always super excited to be there, and wants to have a great time! I definitely felt right at home, even though I was 10,000 miles from America! What for you was the highlight of tabir? Wow, I’d say everything was a highlight. I really had such a great time! But some specific examples. Definitely surfing! I never thought I would ever go surfing, and it was unbelievably fun! And I managed to stand up on the board right at the end, which was definitely my goal! I also got to see so many animals – kangaroos, koalas, wallabies, echidnas, emus – all of which I had only seen in zoos. Lastly, I celebrated one of the most memorable New Year’s Eves, watching the sunset on the coast of Australia, unbelievable! All in all, I really, really miss everyone from tabir, and will forever cherish all my memories! Thank you to everyone who made this such an unforgettable tabir! I also want to invite all of you to come visit America – experiencing Plast in a different country is truly eye-opening, and really helps you appreciate what Plast is. My home is always welcome to anyone, and I know Plast America would love to learn more about Plast Australia! |
Табір пташенят / Ptashenyata tabir | |
Tabir for Ptashenyata was also held at Sokil from 28-31 December, 2013. Up to 14 ptashenyata (ranging from 3 months to 5 years in age) participated in the program together with their parents. St.pl. Nik Kostraby ran the program, with parents also helping to run some activites. Ptashenyata had the opportunity to make Christmas decorations and bird feeders, play with playdough and decorate gingerbread men. They also went yabbying and to the pool in Geelong with novatstvo and attend vohnyky. Thank you to all that helped make the tabir a success – and we invite you to join us next year if you missed out! |
Melbourne and Maidan | |
What kind of future do young people in Ukraine want?
This was a central and reoccurring question in Melbourne and Maidan: a conversation between youth, an interactive discussion between young people in Melbourne and Kyiv held on Thursday 6 February. About 35 young people (including a few more young at heart than perhaps young) gathered at the Club at Ukrainian House, Melbourne to engage in a live and unscripted conversation with four diverse guest speakers via Skype, including three from Ukraine: Anastasia Melnyk, a TV presenter from espresso tv: http://espreso.tv; Vasyl Gatsko, of Luhansk, leader of a political party recruiting membership in the East of Ukraine, the Democratic Alliance: http://dem-alliance.org/ ; Dmytro Kolesnyk, Executive Director of the Ukrainian national headquarters of the youth organisation “Plast” in Ukraine: https://plast.global.ua/; and Our own Stefan Romaniw, chair of the Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organisations, Secretary of the World Congress of Ukrainians, who had that day only just returned from the Maidan to Melbourne, having contributed in Kyiv to mediation efforts between the government and the protesters. [At the time of writing he has since returned to Maidan again, and home again]. All our speakers were involved in the Maidan in different ways. Each had different insights into the current (at that stage) situation. Anastasia Melnyk observed at one point that the situation could only result in some real compromise between the government and opposition, or it would become bloody. This view was shared by the other speakers. Ms Menlyk went on to say that, in her view, any real compromise entered into by the opposition representatives (who do not represent the “Maidan” in any event) would simply not be accepted by the people themselves, so bloodshed was, indeed likely. In view of the situation of Tuesday 18 February, her words seem prophetic. Vasyl Gatsko represented a new breed of politician – young, highly networked into youth democracy organisations throughout Europe, highly literate, and with a real plan. He spoke of the fact that there is at present a real chance for a new political engagement of the people of the East of Ukraine. These people have always largely remained sceptical of central and Western Ukrainian political movements, but they are now also disengaged from the Party of Regions for whom they used to be a power base but which has never provided them even incremental advances in the things that matter to them and which have now deteriorated to third world standards: roads, public buildings, healthcare, education, pensions… On the current situation, Mr Gatsko spelt out five points which need to be met in any compromise arrangement with the government. The first of these was to ensure the safety of the people. Each of the presenters shared their personal story and spoke with passion and conviction about their contribution to making a better future for Ukraine. Ordinary people doing extraordinary things. Truly inspiring. A new and real connection was established between the participants and the event was a great success, deepening the understanding of the Maidan and Ukraine in Australia, strengthening ties between Australia and Ukraine and providing support to Maidan and its participants. Support for the initiative has been overwhelmingly positive both here and in Ukraine and planning is underway for future events. So how do young people see the future of Ukraine? They want real democracy and a better life. What is more, they are willing to do something about it – they stand up for what they believe in. Melbourne and Maidan: a conversation between youth was an initiative of the Melbourne Maidan Committee, Association of Ukrainians in Victoria. Text: pl.sen. Jeremy Semkiw & pl.sen. Symon Kohut, photo courtesy st.pl. Steven Potashnyk |
✝ Right Reverend Archpresbyter Wolodymyr Lulka | |
As 2013 drew to a close, Ukrainians in Australia, in particular Sydney, were saddened to hear that after a long illness Right Reverend Archpresbyter Wolodymyr Lulka fell asleep in the Lord on 29th December. Priests from the Ukrainian Orthodox and Catholic Churches gathered on Friday evening, 3rd January 2014, at St Athanasius Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Granville to begin the funeral rites for otec Lulka. Plastuny kept a vigil that evening as well as on the Saturday, when they were joined by Sumivtsi.
On Saturday 4th January the church was overflowing with people and flowers. Otec Lulka had touched so many people’s lives in his many roles as a husband, father, grandfather, Ukrainian and a priest. Plastuny were there in full force to pay their last respects and to support Otec Lulka’s family. Plastun Senior Lenny Lulka, yunaky Adam, Chris and Alexandra are very keen and active members of Sydney stanycia. Upon the conclusion of the funeral rites within the church, a procession around Otec’s beloved St Athanasius Ukrainian Orthodox Church was held. The cortege went on to Rookwood Cemetery where Otec Lulka was laid to rest at the Ukrainian Orthodox section. Pomynky were held back at the church hall. The following words were read by Plastunka Seniorka Myrosia Iwasyk during the pomynky: В імені пластової Станичної Старшини і Станиці Сідней складаю співчуття Пані Матушці Люльці і цілі родині з приводу смерти блaженої памяті Отця Люльки. Для нас пластунів це сумна подія також бо довгими роками він був нашим капельяномю. Він ніколи не відмовився прийти і відправити чи Службу Божу чи молебінь де б ми не перебували. В днях коли не було ҐПС/GPS це не все була легка річ але покійний Отець взірцево це все виконував. Його проповіді на наших Святах все нам задавали над чим подумати і як стати кращими членами нашого суспільства, кращими христіянами. Ми скланяємо наші голови перед його світлою памятю. Вічна йому пам’ять – May His Memory Be Eternal! |
Sydney news | |
After “vidkryttia” novatsvo and ptashenyata with vykhovnyky and parents set out on a hike through the burnt out bush. The novaky enjoyed the challenges of hiking up the hills (not so much the parents) and in particular rock hopping. A couple of times when looking up kookaburras and cockatoos were spied up in the trees watching over us. Returning back tired and thirsty, novatsvo enjoyed some fruit snacks before embarking on making colourful dream catchers. After lunch novatsvo donned vests in preparation for an energetic game of Dart Tag which they tackled with energy and enthusiasm. Yunatsvo went canoeing, waving vigorously as they went past down the river, splashing and calling out to each other. The day finished with a formal “zakryttia” as is expected and everyone headed home tired and satisfied having spent the day in the Ukrainian spirit of Plast and friendship. An end of year prohulka to Luna Park was held on December 7 2013. Fun was had by all who attended. The Plastova Stanycia – Sydney would like to inform all of our members that the warehouse unit located at 2/ 1-3 Nicholas Ave Lidcombe has finally been purchased for use as our Plast Domivka. This is the same unit that was viewed and members agreed to purchase over 1 1/2 years ago. |
Canberra news | |
Victoria news | |
Plast Victoria has a new email address: [email protected] !
Станична старшина мала “Planning Session – 2014” 22го лютого, 2014. 22 брали участь – станична старшина, референти УПН & УПЮ, виховники, та голова КПС. The session commenced at 10am, and concluded 4.00pm with a half an hour for a delicious and healthy lunch, prepared by Kурінь “Червоні Маки”- thank you! Discussions centred around plans for the forthcoming year. The participants were all active in discussions, and general consensus felt that the Planning Meeting was an overall success and required! Референтури УПН і УПЮ have commenced their 2014 programme with enthusiasm. We ask that parents support them, and ensure that the children attend all activites. Plast Victoria will be commencing renovations to the Sokil Chapel in 2014. We shall require approximately $6,000 to complete the renovation. Станиця will be calling on all to contribute towards the project. All donations will be acknowledged! (Dnister – “00012649 Everyday Access Chapel Sokil” is the account for any donations). We are moving forward. Plast Victoria has very good виховники and референтури who are extremely dedicated and committed. We as an Organization must support them! The 36th ESGAV will be held in Ballarat at Pax Hill scout camp on the weekend 28-30 March. The theme this year is: the Gold Rush. St.pl. Natalka Kostraby will be kommendant of the tabir – we wish her well! Юнацтво і старші пластуни that are interested in attending should contact podruha Natalka. Key Dates coming up for юнацтво in 2014: |
Adelaide news | |
Загальні Збори відбудуться 23 березня 2014. |
Brisbane news | |
Thanks to Dnister Ukrainian Credit Co-operative Ltd for your continued support of Plast activities in Australia. |
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